Saturday, May 16, 2009

PRESTO!!! Here it is!

Debbie did a fantastic job putting this quilt together. I enjoyed the challenge of quilting it. As I said earlier, it was quite an adventure!
I have been able to sew free-form feathers for several years now. This was the first time I ever sewed them from front to back, instead of back to front. This involved more stopping and starting. It was tricky at first, but the results were worth all the hard work. I literally drew each type of feather (there were three) over 20 times. I learned so much with this quilt. Old techiques were adapted and sharpened and new ones were aquired. This really turned out to be quite a masterpiece. I look at it as a significant milestone, a mark of accomplishment, in my quilting career. I feel like a little girl showing a drawing to her mother loudly exclaiming, "Look what I did all by myself!!!" Yes, a bit goofy, but I can't help it! I am so excited! I feel like I am on a plateau. I can see how far I've come and feel ready to continue hiking up more mountains and embarking on more adventures.

The feathers had to fit into the squares and triangle shapes. The squares were the most intimidating/challenging so I saved them for last. By the time I got to them it was a piece of cake because I had practically been doing "backflip" feathers in the border.
Tear drop paisleys always add an elegant touch wherever sewn. Below is a pic of the border feather before I echoed it. It is beautiful in this stage, but somehow echoing finishes a feather. I'll have to do a post on "the evolution of the feather" if I get the chance. But not now. I am sooo tired! Whew! I am goin' to bed people! Enjoy! And stay tuned! Because there's more of where this came from!

1 comment:

Chris said...

Your feathers are absolutely beautiful. I'm in awe that you did them free form. It's definitely the crowning glory for this beautiful quilt.